Count_nums in an array
Hi..i need to get a solution to this pretty trivial problem asap.

This is a random number generator that has header functions that are meant to do most of the work.

The part im having trouble with is the count_nums section where the program is meant to output the number of occurrences of numbers 1->9 in the array a[i] which contains random numbers

Ive been able to do it with switch statements...but it needs to be done just using the variables *a (the array), range (defined range), and num (the number 1->9 which will be incased in a loop) as well as maybe int count or int i too.

I also need to be able to accept in a character r or R from the keyboard to restart the whole thing , and q to exit!!!!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h>

/*int*a will be our array, and int s the size of the array*/

	void SetRandomSeed(void);
	int my_random(int range);
	int get_max(int*a,int s); /* array, array size */
	int get_min(int*a,int s); /*array , array size */
	void count_nums(int*a,int range,int num);

int count_num(int a[], int range, int num)
/* checks array a for number of occurrances of value */
   int i, count=0;
   for (i=0; i<range; i++)
	 if (a[i] == num)
		++count; /* it was found */

void print_array(int a[], int range)
   int i;
   for(i=0; i<range; i++)
	 printf("%d ", a[i]);

int get_max(int*a,int s)
				/* returns largest number */
   	int i, num_large;   /* cnum_large is largest value so far      */
   /*  Initial array element is largest so far                   */ 
   	num_large = a[0];       

   /*  Compare remaining list to the largest so far; save larger */
   	for (i=1; i<s; ++i)
      		if (a[i] > num_large)
         		num_large = a[i];
   return (num_large);

int get_min(int*a,int s)
		/* returns smallest number */
   			int i, num_small;   /* num_small is smallest value so far      */
   /*  Initial array element is smallest so far                   */ 
  			 num_small = a[0];       

   /*  Compare remaining list to the smallest so far; save smallest */
   			for (i=1; i>s; ++i)
      			if (a[i] < num_small)
         		num_small = a[i];
   return (num_small);

void SetRandomSeed(void)
   /* call time and feed it to srand */
   	srand( (int) time(0) ) ;

int my_random(int range)
 return 1+rand()%range;

int main () 
   int a[10],one; /*array*/
      int i,range,s,c; /*global variables*/
        int max,min,randc; /*secondary variables*/
         int num_occ, value;

  /*Welcome line*/
  printf("\nWelcome to the Random Number Generator.\n");
   /* range */
   	printf("\nPlease enter the value for the range:\n");
   			printf("This program will generate random numbers in the range %d ",range);

   /*input number of random numbers you would like generated*/
		printf("\nHow many random numbers would you like generated?\n");
		   scanf("%d",&s); /*length of s*/
    for (i=0;i<s;++i){
      a[i] = my_random(range);//int n
           printf("\nrandom number %d: %d\n",i,a[i]);//int n ends
        printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n");

   /* set the random seed from the time */
	printf("\nRAND_MAX equals %d \n",RAND_MAX);
	    printf("range equals %d",range);

   /* print the occurrances*/

    for(value=0; value<=9; value++)
	  num_occ = count_num(a,range, value);
	  printf("The value %d was found %d times.\n", value, num_occ);

    /*max and min of range*/
   printf("\nPress enter for the max and min values for the range\n");
        printf("\n min %d\n",get_min (a,s));
            printf("\n max %d\n",get_max (a,s));

   /* if everything okay return no errors */
   	return (0);


Thanks a lot!