Will someone please help me out. I've been working on this code for 6 hours and am still lost! I am supposed to use 2 command line arguments to determine the number of strings to be used in this program and the maximum length for those strings. Then my function should create an array of strings, which then calls a RandomString function to create each individual string. Next, my RandomString function should create one string of random characters each time it is called, with the number of characters in the string being a random value between one and the value of the parameter passed in from the main function. I dont think Im close, but could someone tell me what I am doing wrong, please? Im not looking for answers, just help! The code I have written is basically just a guess. Thank you in advance!

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ 

  int num; 

  while(argc >= 1){ 
    printf("Enter a number of random strings to be generated:%d\n:", num); 
    printf("Enter the maximum length of characters", 
           " for the strings:%d\n", argc); 
  argv = calloc(num, argc); 
  for(num = 0; num < argc; num++) 
    RandomString(argv[num], argc); 

} /* End of main function */ 

void RandomString(int argc, char *argv[]){ 

  int i, temp; 


  for(i = 0; i < argc; i++){ 
    temp = atoi(argv); 
      argv[i] = temp; 

  } /* End of for statement */ 
} /* End of RandomString function */