Thread: how to read csv file ?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    how to read csv file ?

    hi all..

    i'm creating program that will read a csv file..
    let say,,the csv file content 10 rows of data like this..

    now, algorithm that i'm using is,
    1) read the data line by line using fgets() and save it to
    a char array , let say


    2) then seperate and throw out comma

    3) the problem now is,, i'm doing processing character by character.
    so,, after throw out comma, i dont know how to put let say character 4, 4, 4 to a char array..

    what i'm doing now is,,
    while(szLine_data[l] != ',')
      szTmp[l] = szLine_data[l];
    it means that szTmp content comma also at the last element..
    how to throw the comma and the balance of the element..

  2. #2
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    CSV is a convoluted design, it's not as simple as just looking for commas if you're using real CSV files:
    int csv_parse ( char *line, char *list[], int size )
      char *p;
      char *dp;
      int inquote;
      int na;
      char prevc = ',';
      dp = NULL;
      inquote = 0;
      na = 0;
      prevc = ',';
      for ( p = line; *p != '\0'; prevc = *p, p++ ) {
        if ( prevc == ',' && !inquote ) {
          if ( dp != NULL )
            *dp = '\0';
          if ( na >= size )
            return na;
          list[na++] = p;
          dp = p;
          if ( *p == '"' ) {
            inquote = 1;
        if ( inquote && *p == '"' ) {
          if ( p[1] != '"' )
            inquote = 0;
        if ( *p != ',' || inquote )
          *dp++ = *p;
      if ( dp != NULL )
        *dp = '\0';
      if ( na < size )
        list[na] = NULL;
      return na;
    Of course, if you don't worry about the quoting rules, you can shorten the code considerably.
    My best code is written with the delete key.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    See the thread - Simple Question - by Amazing Rando

    I posted an 4 line algorithm (no quotes) for decomposing
    a known line of csv data into a struct. The length of the algorithm is unaffected by the number of fields, but does have a set-up algorithm that executes once - which IS affected by the number of fields.

    Prelude is right, full-blown CSV is a lot harder to parse.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    thank you for your reply...

    I still dont understand your code.. to difficult for me...
    i dont understand why we need NULL....

    so,, i shorterned your code...

          nSize = strlen(szLine_dat);
          nReturn = csv_parse( szLine_dat, nSize );
          printf("%s\n", szTmp_data);       
      return 0;
    int csv_parse ( char *line, int size )
      char *p;
      char *dp;
      int inquote;
      int na;
      int nTo_comma;
      char prevc = ',';
      char *list[256];
      dp = NULL;
      // inquote = 0;
      na = 0;
      prevc = ',';
      for ( p = line; *p != '\n'; p++ ) 
          list[nTo_comma] = p;
          if(*p == prevc)
    	  printf("%s\t", list);
    	  return na;
      return na;
    in while{} looping,,
    i get a line of data from csv file and pass to csv_parse() function..

    in csv_parse() function,, what i hope is,,,
    it should print the 1st data in that line with comma..

    will print


    am I wrong??

    if i can do this, after i can up my code 1 step,, to print every data separated by comma..

    thank you for your kind help

  5. #5
    Just Lurking Dave_Sinkula's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Why it's bad to use feof() to control a loop

    Just a thought...
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define ARRAYSIZE(x)  (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*(x)))
    int main(void)
       const char filename[] = "file.csv";
        * Open the file.
       FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
       if ( file )
          int array[10][10];
          size_t i, j, k;
          char buffer[BUFSIZ], *ptr;
           * Read each line from the file.
          for ( i = 0; fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, file); ++i )
              * Parse the comma-separated values from each line into 'array'.
             for ( j = 0, ptr = buffer; j < ARRAYSIZE(*array); ++j, ++ptr )
                array[i][j] = (int)strtol(ptr, &ptr, 10);
           * Print the data in 'array'.
          for ( j = 0; j < i; ++j )
             printf("array[%lu]: ", (long unsigned)j);
             for ( k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE(*array); ++k )
                printf("%4d ", array[j][k]);
       else /* fopen() returned NULL */
       return 0;
    /* my output
    array[0]:   10   23  444  -33   45   33   22  445   44   34 
    array[1]:    1   23  444  -33   45   33   22  445   44   34 
    array[2]: -120   23  444  -33   45   33   22  445   44   34 
    array[3]:   10   23   44  -33   45   33   22  445    4   34 
    array[4]:   10   23    4  -33   45   33   22  445   44   34 
    array[5]:   10   23  -44  -33  145   33   22    4   44   34 
    array[6]:   10   23  444  -33   45   33   22  445   44   34 
    array[7]:   10   23  444  -33   45  233   22  445   44   34 
    array[8]:   10   23  444  -33   45   33   22  -45   44   34 
    array[9]:   10   23  444  -33   45  323   22  445   44   34 
    7. It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.
    40. There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.*

  6. #6
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Maybe this will be more to your liking:
    #include <stdio.h>
    size_t comma_parse ( char *line, char *list[], size_t size );
    int main ( void )
      char   *p = "10,23,444,-33,45,33,22,445,44,34";
      char   *list[11];
      size_t n;
      size_t i;
      n = comma_parse ( p, list, sizeof list );
      for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        puts ( list[i] );
      return 0;
    size_t comma_parse ( char *line, char *list[], size_t size )
      char   *p;
      size_t n;
      p = line;
      n = 0;
      for ( ; ; ) {
        /* Ditch leading commas */
        while ( *p == ',' )
        /* Nothing of use */
        if ( *p == '\0' )
          return n;
        /* Save the string */
        list[n++] = p;
        /* Find the next field */
        while ( *p != ',' && *p != '\0' )
        /* Nothing else of use or too many fields */
        if ( *p == '\0' || n >= size )
          return n;
        /* Split the field */
        *p++ = '\0';
    My best code is written with the delete key.

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