Hey people.
Trying to draw a mandlebrot set as a part of a lab session.
Here is my code for mandelbrot.c so far...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mbrot.h>

int main()
  double mandX, mandY;
  int test;
  Colour colour;
  int i=0, j=0;
  for (i; i<MBROT_MAX_SIZE; i++)
    for (j; j<MBROT_MAX_SIZE; j++)
      mandX = 2;
      mandY = 1;
      test = mSetTest(mandX, mandY);
      colour = mbrot_getColour(test);
      mbrot_drawPixel(i, j, colour);
    /* do nothing and wait for termination in console*/


int mSetTest(double c_re, double c_im)
  double new_re = 0.0, new_im = 0.0, mod_z2 = 0.0;
  int iterations = 0.0;
  while (iterations < 200 && mod_z2 < 4)

    new_re = ((new_re * new_re) - (new_im * new_im)) + c_re;
    new_im = ((2 * new_re * new_im) + c_im);
    mod_z2 = ((new_re * new_re) + (new_im * new_im));
    if (iterations == 200 && mod_z2 < 4)
      iterations = 0.0;
  printf("Number of iterations:\t %d\n\n", iterations);
basically when it runs i get a blank window and a repeating line saying Number of iterations :1.

I know i have hard coded the values for mandX and mandY but surely something should get drawn?!

does anyone know how to map mandlebrot sets to a pixel map?! coz i am lost COMPLETELY lost and this has to be done by 3 today!

here is some additional info taken for the mbrot.h file...
The library function, mbrot_getColour takes a value from mSetTest and returns a Colour. You can use this function in conjunction with mbrot_drawPixel to colour the whole set.
You have to call mbrot_update in order for the effects to be seen.

plz help me, all help appreciated, thanks....
