Originally posted by Dave_Sinkula

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/* calculation description
Y[0] = x(0) * x(0) + x(1) * x(1) + x(2) * x(2) + x(3) * x(3)
Y[1] = x(0) * x(1) + x(1) * x(2) + x(2) * x(3)
Y[2] = x(0) * x(2) + x(1) * x(3)
Y[3] = x(0) * x(3)
#include <stdio.h>

#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*(x)))

int main(void)
   int x[] = {1,2,3,4}, y [ ARRAYSIZE(x) ];
   size_t i,j;
   for(j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE(y); ++j)
      y[j] = 0;
      printf("y[%d] =", (int)j);
      for(i = j; i < ARRAYSIZE(x); ++i)
         printf("%s x[%d] * x[%d]", i != j ? " +" : "", (int)(i - j), (int)i);
         y[j] += x[i - j] * x[i];
      printf(" = %d\n", y[j]);
   return 0;

/* my output
y[0] = x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2] + x[3] * x[3] = 30
y[1] = x[0] * x[1] + x[1] * x[2] + x[2] * x[3] = 20
y[2] = x[0] * x[2] + x[1] * x[3] = 11
y[3] = x[0] * x[3] = 4
How about if x[] is not as {1,2,3,4},but is the numerical data stored in a file line by line? how to perform such shifting?