I'm using a structure to store first and last name from a sequential access file. I can scan them in and believe I am loading them into the structure correctly. The problem I am having is swapping the output using printf. If you look in my switch under case 1, you will see that I am trying to print the informatino in my structure in reverse order. I have tried a number of different ways and this is my latest attempt. Can you see what I am doing wrong? I have looked over it for too long.

#include <stdio.h>

	FILE * FilePtr;

int main()	{
	/*  This creates a client structure.  It is 
		used to store client information.  When we
		read from the file we will store our values in 
		the array structure */

	struct Client
		char f_Name[15];
		char l_Name[15];
	} Record[5];	//Creates a structure array on client_record

	int i,number;

	/*  Lets open the client.dat file and see if we have opened
		it correctly... */

	FilePtr = fopen("client.dat", "r");
	if(FilePtr == NULL)
		printf("Unable to access the disk file specified\n");

	/* If it was done correctly, we will attempt to load our structure array
		with information.  */

		printf("client.dat has been opened successfully!!!\n\n");
		printf("Reading File, printing output...\n\n");
		for( i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			while(fscanf(FilePtr, "%s %s", Record[i].f_Name, Record[i].l_Name) != EOF)
			printf("%s, %s \n", Record[i].l_Name, Record[i].f_Name);


	printf("\n\nWould you like to switch the name order from: \n");
	printf("Last Name, First to  First Name, Last? \n");
	printf("Press 1 for Yes, and 2 for No. \n");

	scanf("%d", &number);
		case 1:

				printf("%s, %s \n", Record[4].f_Name, Record[4].l_Name);
				printf("%s, %s \n", Record[3].f_Name, Record[3].l_Name);
				printf("%s, %s \n", Record[2].f_Name, Record[2].l_Name);
				printf("%s, %s \n", Record[1].f_Name, Record[1].l_Name);
				printf("%s, %s \n", Record[0].f_Name, Record[0].l_Name);

		case 2:


			printf("Please enter a valid character!\n");

	return 0;