Includes code to get each digit mathematically.
int DecToHex(int nDec) {

	/* Converts a decimal number so that it looks the same when shown in 
	 * hexadecimal. eg. 313 becomes 787 which is 0x313 in hexadecimal */

	int nHex = 0, nHexBase = 1, nDecBase = 1, nDigitCount = 0, nNextDigitCount = 0;

	do {
		nDigitCount = nDec / nDecBase;
		nNextDigitCount = nDec / (nDecBase * 10);
		nDigitCount -= nNextDigitCount * 10;
		nHex += nHexBase * nDigitCount;

		nDecBase *= 10;
		nHexBase *= 16;

	} while (nNextDigitCount != 0);

	return nHex;