I am fairly new to the programming game, well, in C that is. Anyways, I wrote a small program that should take user input, a single word and run it through a basic encryption algorithm, supplied in the source. The word is translated in decimal form and inserted into the algorithm so that it changes everytime you type something in. Here is the source.

--------begenning of code-------------

#include <stdio.h>
main() {

int unenc, enc;
printf("Please enter a word that you would like encrypted --> \n");
scanf("%s", &unenc);

for ( enc = 2 + 533 + unenc * unenc - 456 * unenc - 65 + 34 )
printf("Your word, encrypted is %s\n", enc);

------------end of file---------------

Now, I know that my for statement is the issue. I need to know how to use my unenc interger variable in the equation. What is the problem???