Originally posted by Coder2Die4
I have 2 pointers, let's call them source_ptr and destination_ptr. I want to copy 1 bit from the source byte to another bit of the destination byte. Are there a simple instruction to do that?

Example: source bit 2 to destination bit 5
This is the same technique as already presented, but it is targeted toward the original intent: two (presumably unsigned char) pointers and two bit locations.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

void bitcpy(unsigned char *dst, unsigned char dstbit,
            const unsigned char *src, unsigned char srcbit)
   if ( *src & (1 << srcbit) ) /* if srcbit is '1' in source byte */
      *dst |=  (1 << dstbit);  /* set dstbit in destination byte */
   else                        /* else srcbit is '0' in source byte */
      *dst &= ~(1 << dstbit);  /* clear dstbit in destination byte */

void showbits(unsigned char byte)
   unsigned char bit;
   printf("0x%02X = ", byte);
   for ( bit = 1 << ((sizeof(byte) * CHAR_BIT) - 1); bit; bit >>= 1 )
      putchar(byte & bit ? '1' : '0');

int main(void)
   int i;
   unsigned char result = 0xFF, value = 0x3A;

   fputs("result: ", stdout); showbits(result);
   fputs("value:  ", stdout); showbits(value);

   bitcpy(&result, 5, &value, 2);
   puts("*** bitcpy ***");
   fputs("result: ", stdout); showbits(result);

   puts("*** reverse bits ***");
   fputs("value:  ", stdout); showbits(value);
   for ( i = 0; i < CHAR_BIT; ++i )
      bitcpy(&result, (CHAR_BIT - 1) - i, &value, i);
   fputs("result: ", stdout); showbits(result);
   return 0;

/* my output
result: 0xFF = 11111111
value:  0x3A = 00111010
*** bitcpy ***
result: 0xDF = 11011111
*** reverse bits ***
value:  0x3A = 00111010
result: 0x5C = 01011100
Note also that my bits (srcbit, dstbit) are 'numbered' 0-7 rather than the example that had them as 1-8.