Ok the book I'm using does not explain how to use EOF at all!

My project is to read from two text files, and then combine what I get into a binary file. So far I can read from one file, then put that into the binary file, but I have no idea how to check if I'm at the end of the file.

Right now I've been testing it with only 1 line in my file "atoms1.txt"

The line looks like this.
11 Sodium Na 22.99

Here is my code(basically my while(!EOF) was a complete guess):
#include <stdio.h>

#define STRMAX 20

typedef struct{
	int num;
	char name[STRMAX];
	char symbol[STRMAX];
	double weight;
} atom_t;

void readCOMBINE(FILE *inp1, FILE *inp2, FILE *outp);

int main(){

	FILE *inp1, *inp2, *outp;
	inp1 = fopen("atoms1.txt", "r");
	inp2 = fopen("atoms2.txt", "r");
	outp = fopen("combined.bin", "wb");
	readCOMBINE(inp1, inp2, outp);

	return 0;

void readCOMBINE(FILE *inp1, FILE *inp2, FILE *outp){

	atom_t cAtom;
		fscanf(inp1,"%d %s %s %lf",&cAtom.num,cAtom.name,cAtom.symbol,&cAtom.weight);
		fwrite(&cAtom.num, sizeof ( int ), 1, outp);
		fwrite(cAtom.name, sizeof ( char ), STRMAX, outp);
		fwrite(cAtom.symbol, sizeof ( char ), STRMAX, outp);
		fwrite(&cAtom.weight, sizeof( double ), 1, outp);
