I'm having trouble with keys. What happen was we were doing a game, really basic, and by we I mean me and two friends. So far we have a feature that we can have an unlimited number of people saving into the same .dat file. We have a system using linked pointer for a graph of rooms. starting at one we did the first line and added 5 to the "top"pointer when it moved "east"
done using this struct...just a fancy bin tree no biggie
struct room
    //room id(used for finding what is in that room so we can use
    //some repeated desc[]'s
    int id;
    //description of each room
    char desc[201];
    //each room possibly has 4 exits
    struct room *north,*south,*east,*west;
uh after that we then started to pull out some creativity to make desc's for each room. We are having trouble with one thing however. Our commands are using the ascii values that pressing a key using getch(); in conio.h with visual studio (don't know if it's in the standard library.) So m is 109 and k is 107 and soforth. However pressing the right arrow key in the numpad while numlock is off or on the regular arrow pad it does the same thing as m which requires that command = getch(); == 107 to be run. So now that I've figured out this problem I discovered OTHER problems with this too for example page up does things that the ascii value fo s does and F10 does what 'i' does I know we use ascii values for it all but I want to know if there is a way we can diferentiate them IE a different method of "keytrapping" using ascii values or anyhting...also when I discovered this I said well if I can find the ascii values for up and down we can use those to move, so I tried looking them up and they don't seem to have one. I fond one thing that was way out of our league. Basically what I'm really looking for is a tried and trued method of going around getting several commands from alot of keys. We need one to pick up items, move east, south west and north, talk to people and other things that will be gradually added to the game. So far the story is more or less an outline, having a history complete and alot of the details worked out. A few of the details IE and EXACT script of who says what and what everyone does at the EXACT time does. That will come later on. Hopefully before the game is finished anyway... anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. Oh one more thing...We were messing with making pictures out of non-standard ASCII values taht dos doens't use but rather changes them into different shapes...mostly being french letters like U's with a colon sideways above it, french accent. And we then started lookig for things that would let us add a bit O color without doing an insane color thing. We did find on program that did let us do the pic editing in it and use colors but my visualy C++ compiler didn't let us use it, instead it printed out a ton of garbage and beep at us...alot. Anyone know of an easy way to use colored text in C under DOS? ANY help for ANY of these problems would be greatly appreciated.