
i working on a small project to learn again how to make some stuff in C. I use Borland C++ 5.01. Ok at the moment i try to make a new dll file (the second one) and i want to put a nice search function (found on planet-source code) into this dll. I made already a dll and it seems that it works but now it seems that my Borland doesn´t like me or my code...here my source code of my second dll. I can not compile this source code with included iostream.h. If i include this iostream (i must do it, cause i need it for the search function) the Borland compiler gives me this error message:

error: IOSTREAM.H(24,2):Error directive: Must use C++ for the type iostream.

What should i change to compile this source code ?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <windows.h>

Does a recursive search for an archived file
starting at the root directory passed.......
base conditions: out of directorys to call
or found the file..........................
__declspec(dllexport) void findPath(char *root, char *file, char *buffer)
	//stuff for the file searc loop
	HANDLE          h;
	BOOL            ok;

	char start[256];//character var's...
	char dir[256];
	bool found=false;//search flag

	char test[1000];//paranoia
	strcpy(test,buffer);//using test as a temp location
	int tlen = strlen(file);//get length of file name
	if(testStrings(test,file))//test for it
		return;//return if it is there...no need to look further

	if(strlen(root)>0)//if they passed a valid string for the root
		strcpy(start, root);//modify it to search for all files/folders....

	//steven at http://world.std.com/~swmcd/steven/ms/bugs.html#right gets credit for the for loop idea..processing inside the loop is mine
	for (h =FindFirstFile(start, &fd), ok=1;h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && ok; ok=FindNextFile(h, &fd))
		if(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)//use bitwise and to test the returned fileattributes
			strcpy(dir,fd.cFileName);//assuming it is a dir so copy over
			if((testStrings(dir,".")==false))//make sure it is not the defaul parent...
				if((testStrings(dir,"..")==false))//..or child indicator, copying this over results in infinite recursion
					if(found == false)//if we have not found the file in this current call then make a call
						findPath(test,file,buffer);//and recurse through them.....
					}//end found
				}//end .. test
			}//end . test
		}//end dir test
		if(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)//now use bitwise and to check for file flag
			found = testStrings(file,fd.cFileName);//if we have a file is it the one we want?
			if(found == true)
				strcpy(buffer,root);//if it is create the full path name to it and copy into buffer
			}//end found test
		}//end archive test
	}//end for

	int error = GetLastError();
	if (error!=ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
	    printf("Find*File: error %d\n", error);

	    BOOL ok = FindClose(h);
		if (!ok)
	        printf("FindClose: error %d", GetLastError());

//test's to charS for equality, returns true or false
/*static bool */
testStrings(char *s1, char *s2)
 	int x1=0;
	bool ret=true;
	x1 = strlen(s1);
	if(strlen(s2) != (unsigned)x1)
		for(int i=0;i<x1;i++)

			if(s1[i] != s2[i])
				ret = false;
	return ret;