I need to read a 3 column input data file and to select (for further calculations) just the first 2 columns...

The problem I have is that when I try to "printf" these data, the program crushes, so I'm not be able to check if my program actually reads corectly the input file...

2.5000000000E+1 1.6285272837E+0 1.2494180202E+0
2.5018749237E+1 1.3162814379E+0 1.9428113699E+0
2.5037498474E+1 1.2828449011E+0 2.7128908634E+0
2.5056249619E+1 1.5575599670E+0 2.9970877171E+0
2.5074998856E+1 1.9759304523E+0 2.5490462780E+0
2.5093750000E+1 2.2521975040E+0 1.6395831108E+0
2.5112499237E+1 2.1530494690E+0 9.4248563051E-1
2.5131248474E+1 1.7716845274E+0 1.0123537779E+0
2.5149999619E+1 1.4909162521E+0 1.7716845274E+0

TO be more, clear, in the first part of my program I read the file line by line (I look for '\n' delimiters), so finally I get the number of lines of the input files... This works fine!
I get lets say, count=373, "count" being the parameter i used for the number of lines...

Then, I just want to select fron the same file, the first two columns, as a arrays, so I wrote:

double *x, *y, *z;

for ( i=0; i<count; i++ )
{ fscanf (stream,"%le /t %le /t %le", &x[i], &y[i], &z[i]);

I tried then to check if the file is read correctly, so I added in the fors's above loop the function :

printf ("\n %le", &x[i]);

At this point, the program crushes, so I suppose something it's not correct...

I would appreciate any suggestions or help in order to be able to "printf" the first 2 columns, so I will know my program reads correctly the data file....

Thank you!