Looks like I'll be asking tons of questions in this forum from now Hope I don't make anyone irritated with constant questions.

I'm making my second program for the beginner's C class.. Just that I haven't been able to compile it.

#include <stdio.h>

#define DISCOUNT 0.00525f;

FILE *fileout;

void main (void)


fileout = fopen ("A:REPORT2.RPT","w");

printf ("\n\nPlease enter the amount of the first item: $");
scanf ("%d", &item_one);
printf ("\n\nPlease enter the amount of the second item: $");
scanf ("%d", &item_two);
printf ("\n\nPlease enter the amount of the third item: $:");
scanf ("%d", &item_three);

printf ("\n\nYou have entered these three prices:");
printf ("\n\n	First Item: $%d", item_one);
printf ("\n\n	First Item: $%d", item_two);
printf ("\n\n	First Item: $%d", item_three);
printf ("\n\n	Calculating costs...");
printf ("\n\n	Receipt created at A:REPORT2.RPT");

subtotal = item_one + item_two + item_three;
disc_amt = subtotal * DISCOUNT;
grantotal = subtotal - disc_amt;

fprintf (fileout, "\n\nCost of first item:		$%d", item_one);
fprintf (fileout, "\n\nCost of second item:		$%d", item_two);
fprintf (fileout, "\n\nCost of third item:		$%d", item_three);
fprintf (fileout, "\n				-----------");
fprintf (fileout, "\nTotal Cost				$%d", subtotal);
fprintf (fileout, "\nDiscount			       -$%d", disc_amt);
fprintf (fileout, "\n				-----------");
fprintf (fileout, "\nGrand Total			$%d", grantotal);

Well that's what I have so far.
I get the compiling error at the line "disc_amt = subtotal * DISCOUNT;"
Something like "cannot convert from float/double".
No idea what it means!

Please keep in mind that I'm writing this off a template... the template has just a few lines of coding. To be specific,
#include stuff, FILE * fileout;, void main (void), and fileout = fopen ("A:REPORT2.RPT","w"); are the only things in the template.

From that I have to make everything else in scratch.

Now on to my hideous questions:

1. I've yet to learn what alot of these things are... can anyone tell me what exactly things like
"FILE *fileout;"
"void main (void)"
"fileout = fopen ("A:REPORT2.RPT","w");"
"int" does?

I could pretty much tell what fileout= fopen ... is but i'm not sure what the "w" is for.
As for "int", I'm just assuming I need this to include whatever variables I'm going to put in scanf and formulas.

2. About fprintf, I assume it pretty much works like printf but why would I need a ([B]fileout[\B], "bleh");?

Thanks for reading all this and for having patience with this complete newbie business I have here I appreciate it.