I'm having a problem trying to convert a set of inputted values (integers) into an array. Ideally, the user is prompted to input a number (imagine inputting a dollar amount or a number using binary notation) and the number is stored in an array with the first number inputted as array[0]. An example would be:
Please input binary notation: 10011001
Then, processing will put the first '1' in array[0], '0' in array[1], '0' in array [2], ..., '1' in array[7]. The array size is known and will be size of 8 elements for binary notation or it could be set of a specific dollar amount.
Sticking with the binary example, a user can input each value and then have it stored in an array using printf()/scanf() statements contained in a for loop. However, ideally, the program should take the value inputted for a question and then created the values in an array instead of asking the same question numerous times and increasing the likelyhood of wrong inputted values by the user. Any suggestions will be beneficial, thank you.