Ok...I'm trying to grab (scanf) an itemName and a value (price) from the user - this program compiles, but when i try to run the program, it says :

1) linkList error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "struct node * __cdecl search(struct node *,float)" (?search@@YAPAUnode@@PAU1@M@Z) referenced in function _main

2) linkList error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl deletenode(struct node *,char * const)" (?deletenode@@YAHPAUnode@@QAD@Z) referenced in function _main

3) linkList error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl insertnode(struct node *,char * const)" (?insertnode@@YAHPAUnode@@QAD@Z) referenced in function _main

Can anyone help? Here's my code:

//Declarations for Linked List 

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 

#define DUMMY_TRAILER 100   /*Assume all valid numbers fall between 1 and 99*/ 
#define DUPLICATE 1 
#define NEW_NODE 0 
#define FOUND 1 
#define NOT_FOUND 0 

typedef struct node NODE; 
struct node 
   char itemName[10]; 
   float value; 
   NODE* next; 

/* Function prototypes */ 
NODE* init_list(void); 
int insertnode(NODE*, char []); 
int deletenode(NODE*, char []); 
NODE* search(NODE*, float value); 
void traverse(NODE*); 

/* Driver to test the functions */ 
int main() 
   NODE* list, *nodeptr; 
   char itemName[10]; 
   float value; 
   int found, duplicate, number=0; 

   list = init_list(); 
   while(printf("Enter an item and it's price, or -1 to quit: "), scanf("%d", "%c", &value, &itemName), 
      number != -1) 
      duplicate = insertnode(list, itemName); 
      if (duplicate) 
         printf("That item is already in the list.\n"); 
      }   /*end of if*/ 

   }   /*end of while*/ 

   traverse(list);   /*Print out the values in the list*/ 

      while(printf("Enter an item and it's price, or -1 to quit: "), scanf("%d", "%c", &value, &itemName), 
      number != -1) 
      found = deletenode(list, itemName); 
      if (!found) 
         printf("Could not find the item with value of: %c\n", itemName); 
      }   /*end of if*/ 
         printf("Deleted %c\n", itemName); 
      }   /*end of else*/ 

   }   /*end of while*/ 


     while(printf("Enter an item and it's price, or -1 to quit: "), scanf("%d", "%c", &value, &itemName), 
      number != -1) 
      nodeptr = search(list, value); 
      if (!nodeptr) 

         printf("Could not find node with value of: %c\n", itemName); 
      }   /*end of if*/ 
         printf("Node with value of %d was found!\n", nodeptr->value); 
      }   /*end of else*/ 

   }   /*end of while*/ 

   return 0; 

}   /*end of main*/ 

/* Initilization of an empty ordered linked list */ 
NODE* init_list(void) 
   NODE* list; 

   if ( (list = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)) ) == NULL) 
      printf("Fatal malloc error in main\n"); 
   }   /*end of if*/ 

   list->value = 0; 

   if ((list->next = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE))) == NULL) 
      printf("Fatal malloc error in main\n"); 
   }   /*end of if*/ 

   list->next->value = DUMMY_TRAILER; 
   list->next->next = NULL; 
   return list; 
}   /*end of init_list*/ 

/* Insert nodes into ordered linked list */ 
int insertnode(NODE* list, float value, char itemName[]) 
   NODE* current = list->next; 
   NODE* previous = list; 
   NODE* newptr; 

   while(value > current->value) 
      previous = current; 
      current = current->next; 
   }   /*end of while*/ 

   if (value == current->value) 
      return DUPLICATE; 
   }   /*end of if*/ 
      if ( (newptr = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE))) == NULL) 
         printf("Fatal malloc error in insert!\n"); 
      }   /*end of if*/ 
      /*Fill up new node and link it in*/ 
      newptr->value = value;
   strcpy(newptr->itemName, itemName);
      newptr->next = current; 
      previous->next = newptr; 
      return NEW_NODE; 
   }   /*end of else*/ 

}   /*end of insert*/ 

/*Delete a node from ordered linked list*/ 
int deletenode(NODE* list, int value) 
   NODE* current = list->next; 
   NODE* previous = list; 

   while(value > current->value) 
      previous = current; 
      current = current->next; 
   }   /*end of while*/ 

   if (value != current->value) 
      return NOT_FOUND; 
   }   /*end of if*/ 
      previous->next = current->next; 
      return FOUND; 
   }   /*end of else*/ 

}   /*end of delete*/ 

/*Find a node in an ordered linked list*/ 
NODE* search(NODE* list, int value) 
   list = list->next;   /*skip dummy header*/ 

   while (value >= list->value) 
      if (value == list->value) 
         return list; 
      }   /*end of if*/ 
      list = list->next; 
   }   /*end of while*/ 

   return NULL; 
}   /*end of search*/ 

/*Traverse the nodes in an ordered linked list*/ 
void traverse(NODE* list) 
   list = list->next;   /*Skip over dummy node*/ 

   while(list->value != DUMMY_TRAILER) 
      printf("%d\n", list->value); 
      list = list->next; 
   }   /*end of while*/ 

}   /*end of traverse*/