Thread: struct and define problem

  1. #1
    hurry up

    struct and define problem

    what the meaning of the first 2 lines?

    #define NodePtr struct Node*
    typedef NodePtr List;

    struct Node
    ElementType data;
    NodePtr next;

  2. #2
    Just Lurking Dave_Sinkula's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Using [code] [/code] tags presents code in a more appealing way.
    #define NodePtr struct Node*
    typedef NodePtr List;
    struct Node
       ElementType data;
       NodePtr next;
    Regarding the #define, after preprocessing, the above code would be as follows.
    typedef struct Node* List;
    struct Node
    ElementType data;
    struct Node* next;
    The typedef creates a synonym for the type specified. So with the above code, you could later declare something like the following.
        struct Node node;
        List list = &node;
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