Appending or prepending lists is easy. I really prefer double linked lists, but for now I'll just use single.

First, make a function that returns the last node in a list. I'll do an easy version:
struct node * GetLast( struct node * n )
    struct node *e, *x;

    for( e = n; e && e->next; e = e->next );

    return e;
Assume that the pointers point to the first node in a list.

Prepend ListA to ListB:
struct node *ListA, *ListB;
struct node *temp;

temp = GetLast( ListA );
if( temp )
    temp->next = ListB;
Now the last node in ListA points to the first in ListB.

Assume that the pointers point to the first node in a list.

Append ListA to ListB:
struct node *ListA, *ListB;
struct node *temp;

temp = GetLast( ListB );
if( temp )
    ListB->next = ListA;
Pretty simple stuff.
