Thread: Reading text out of a file

  1. #1
    Registered User Twiggy's Avatar
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    Reading text out of a file

    I was wondering how I would go about making up a list of questions and answers in notepad, and then having my program read them and then check the answer out of this one file. I perfected my little true and false quiz using tables. But its a pain if I want to add a new question to have to compile the entire code over again. This way I can just change it in the questions.txt file and be done with it. I know how to write the results of something into the file. Just not sure on how to read from the file, I haven't found a tutorial that explains that part yet.


  2. #2
    Here are some real basics. I'm sure someone else could probably elaborate/be more helpful.

    First you need to declare a pointer to a file:

    FILE *in_file;

    then you need to open the file for reading and check to see if it worked:

    in_file = fopen("File name/path goes here", "r");
    if (in_file == (FILE *) NULL)
    printf("Failed to open file.");

    then you can read each line with something like

    while(fgets(stringname, n, in_file) != NULL){

    **perform what you want to do with each line from the file **


    where "stringname" is the string you want to store the line from the file in and n-1 is the maximum # of characters it will read per line... it will read up to that or until it finds a "\n"

    finally, close the file


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