Thread: File Searching Problem

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    File Searching Problem

    have been working on this for a while now as I learn new things. This has kinda been my little project that I wanted to do alone for pride I suppose but I am getting so frustrated with it. When I run the program and search for a file in that same directory it will find the first file and it will spit an error out at me. Secondly if I try to search for a file in a sub directory it skips over it and tells me the search is completed without returning a file that I know is there. I believe that I am going about things in a wrong way in logic. I just got the Borland compiler where the find functions are different than in DevC++. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    //Basic for right now
    #define MAX 256
    struct ffblk find;
    main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    int done;
    char dir[MAX];
    char *fin="Search completed\n";
    if (argc<2){
        printf("Usage: FIND <filename>\n");
    done = findfirst( argv[1], &find, FA_NORMAL);
    while (done != EOF){
        int x=1,cd_done;
        getcwd( dir, MAX);
        strcat(dir, find.ff_name);  //Attach forward slash to end of dir name
        printf("%d)  %s\n",x,dir);
        if (find.ff_attrib == (FA_DIREC || _A_SUBDIR)) //check for directories in specified dir
            cd_done = findfirst(argv[1],&find,FA_NORMAL);
    	if (cd_done == (-1))
    	     printf("No files in %s\n",find.ff_name);
                 while (cd_done != EOF)
                     getcwd( dir, MAX);
                     strcat(dir, find.ff_name);
                     printf("%d)  %s\n",x,dir);
                     cd_done = findnext(&find);
        done = findnext(&find);
    return 0;

  2. #2
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Waterloo, Texas
    #include <cmath>
    #include <complex>
    bool euler_flip(bool value)
        return std::pow
            std::complex<float>(0, 1) 
            * std::complex<float>(std::atan(1.0)
            *(1 << (value + 2)))
        ).real() < 0;

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