I'm currently doing a programming project and decided to leave the easiest bit till last. however, im having some trouble with it . im sure im missing something simple.

All i want to do is take some inputted points for a triangle, and rotate them. Is the following code correct?

matrix((vertex[count][X]-mX), (vertex[count][Y]-mY));

the call is that ^

The theory is to minus the triangle mid-point (mX,mY) from the existing entered points (vertex[count][X], vertex[count][Y]). Then rotate by the matrices. Then shift back.

DEG2RAD is just the conversion factor from degrees to radians needed for sin/cos etc
void matrix(float tempx, float tempy)
int count;
float matrix[4]={cos(5*DEG2RAD), sin(5*DEG2RAD), -sin(5*DEG2RAD), cos(5*DEG2RAD)};

for(count=0; count<=3; count++)

Its in opengl but im not allowed to use any preritten functions for the rotation or anything

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