I can't figure out what is wrong with my code. I get no compiler errors, but my program crashes when a number is entered for "Please enter result # for Experiment name:"

Can anyone figure out what I am doing wrong? Please help!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <malloc.h>

struct Result {
float value;                   /*  value of result */
struct Result *pt_res_next;

struct Exp {
char ExpName[10];           
struct Result *pt_res;
struct Exp *pt_exp_next;

/* Declare the list node to tie all the Experiment structs together into 
   a list. 
   struct ExpList 
		struct Exp* pExp;
		struct ExpList* value;

struct Exp* GetExp()
   Assumes: ???????
   Results: Allocates a new Experiment structure and asks the user for the
            values to fill the Experiment fields (Experiment name and result number).
   Returns: A pointer to a new struct Experiment*. It is the responsibility
            of the caller to delete this struct.
	int i; 
   int ExpResult;
   struct Exp* pNewExp;
   struct Result* pNewRes;
   pNewExp = (struct Exp*)malloc(sizeof(struct Exp));
   printf("How many results for Experiment? :");
   scanf("%d", &ExpResult);
   getchar();/* this getchar eats the return left by the scanf. */

   for (i = 0; i < ExpResult; ++i)
		printf("Please enter the name of the Experiment:");
		pNewRes = (struct Result*)malloc(sizeof(struct Result));
		printf("Please enter result %d for Experiment %s :", i + 1, pNewExp->ExpName);

	/*	pNewValue = (struct Result*)malloc(sizeof(struct Result));   */
		scanf("%f", pNewRes->value);
		getchar();/* this getchar eats the return left by the scanf. */
   return pNewExp;

void PrintExp(struct Exp* pExp)
   Assumes: ???????
   Results: Prints the name and value number fields of the Experiment struct
   Returns: none
   printf("Experiment name%s\n", pExp->ExpName);

   printf("Result: %f\n", pExp->pt_res);

void PrintExpList(struct ExpList* pList)
   Assumes: ???????
   Results: Prints the name and phone number for every Experiment in the list 
            pList. The Experiment records are seperated on the screen by a 
            blank line.
   Returns: none
   /* The first element in the list is a special case */

   while (pList->value)
      pList = pList->value;

void DeleteExp(struct Exp* pExp)
   Assumes: ???????
   Results: frees all memory allocated for the Experiment struct pointed to
            by pEmp.
   Returns: none

void DeleteExpList(struct ExpList* pList)
   Assumes: ???????
   Results: Deletes every Experiment in the list pList and every ExperimentList
            struct except the first one.
   Returns: none
   struct ExpList* pCursor;

   /* we have to treat the first node in the list as a special case */
   pList = pList->value;

   while (pList)
      pCursor = pList;
      pList = pList->value;


int main()
   /* this is our list handle for the duration of main() */
   struct ExpList list;

   /* a utility pointer to help us build the list */
   struct ExpList* pListTail; 

   /* a utility pointer for new list nodes */
   struct ExpList* pNewListElement; 

   /* a utility pointer for new data elements */
   struct Exp* pNewExp; 

   /* declare some variables for the control logic */
   int nNumExps;
   int i;

   /* Do some initialization to make our list safe (and empty) */
   list.pExp = NULL;
   list.value = NULL;

   /* Ask the user how many Exps to enter into the list */
   printf("How many Experiments are there?: ");
   scanf("%d", &nNumExps);
   getchar();/* this getchar eats the return left by the scanf. */

   /* Now for each Experiment get a new record and add it to the list. */
   for (i = 0; i < nNumExps; i++)
      /* Get a new data object from the user */
      pNewExp = GetExp();

      if (list.pExp == NULL)
         /* This is the first element in the list... */
         list.pExp = pNewExp;
         pListTail = &list;
         /* there are already elements in the list (at least one), 
            so add this one to the end */

         /* Step one is to make a new list node */
         pNewListElement = (struct ExpList*)malloc(sizeof(struct ExpList));

         /* Now hook that new list node up to the end of the list */
         pListTail->value = pNewListElement;

         /* then move the tail marker to the new last node */
         pListTail = pNewListElement;

         /* Now make sure the new last node's next points to NULL so we can 
            find the end of the list */
         pListTail->value = NULL;

         /* and lastly, make the new last node point at the new Experiment 
            record. */
         pListTail->pExp = pNewExp;

   /* Print the list of Experiments out to the screen */

   /* The last thing we need to do before we exit is to free all the memory we 
      allocated. */

   return 0;
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