
I have developed my own atoi version, that converts ASCII Hex to Integer. When ASCII hex are mentioned in lowercase, code works perfectly.

If string contains uppercasase, I troed to convert it to lowercase, but code is throwing unhandled exception.

Here is the code.
unsigned short my_atoi(char *p)
	unsigned int i,j;
	int count = 2;

	i= j = 0;
	while( j < count)
		// If you would like to have flexibility to have both upper case 
		// and lower case ASCII HEX.
		if ( *(p+j) >= 'A' && *(p+j) <= 'F' )
			k = *(p+j)+32;
			*(p+j) = k;
			printf("Value of p = %d\n",k);

		if ( *(p+j) >= '0' && *(p+j) <= '9' )
			i = i * j * SIXTEEN + (*(p+j) - '0');
		else if ( *(p+j) >= 'a' && *(p+j) <= 'f' )
			i = i * j * SIXTEEN + ((*(p+j) - 'a') + 10);
	return i;
It throws exception on *(p+j) = k; statement.

I am using VC6.0 under NT environment.

It looks like, when I modify the content of pointer, it throws the exception.

Please let me know.


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