Thread: A Lecture-- for beginners

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    A Lecture-- for beginners

    Prelude has kindly agreed to do a some lectures for The lectures will start with the very basics and go on from there. They will be held on IRC on in channel #Cbeginnersunited. They will start on Wed. December 4th at 9PM Eastern time.

    Please visit for a java application that will connect you to irc, if you do not have an irc client. Also visit our forums if you have any questions.. or respond here.

    I hope to see you there.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Just a reminder to anyone who was interested. The lecture is TONIGHT. So if you were planning on coming, get on irc tonight at 9 EST!

    Also I forgot to mention in the previous post that if you can't make the lecture, the log of it will be posted on the forums.

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