Thread: semctl union

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    semctl union

    Im trying to understand semaphores so I've search the internet a bit and found this snip of code
    #define open 1
    #define close 0
    union semun
      int val;
      struct semid_ds *buf;
      ushort          *array;
    int main( void )
      int semID;
      ushort startvalue[3] = {close, close, open};
      ushort readvalue[3];
      semID = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1, 0666);
      if (semID == -1)
    	perror(" ** call to semget!");
       arg.array = &(startvalue[0]);
       if (semctl(semID,1,SETALL, arg) == -1)
    	perror(" ** call to semctl!");
       arg.array = &(readvalue[0]);
       if (semctl(semID,1,GETALL, arg) == -1)
    	perror(" ** call to semctl!");
    - I dont get why they use a union here.
    - What does the program need the variables val and *buf (inside union) for ?
    - They make two arrays of ushort but they only seem to use the first element... why???
    - If I understand correctly the two lines with arg.array basiclly makes the *array point to 0. Why couldnt I instead write
    int test = 0;
    arg.array = &(test);

  2. #2
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