Hi all,
I have a hard time to determine where I appropriately free the allocated memory on the heap for 2Dim array below:


int main()
   int **TwoDimPtr;
   TwoDimPtr = Create2DimArr(ROW, COL);

   /* Do some processing with 2D array here and then free its memory*/
/* free the allocated memory here?? */
   free Creat2DimArr(ROW, COL);

   return 1;

int **Create2DimArr(row, col)
   int r;
   int **twoDimArr = malloc(row * sizeof(int *));
   for (r=0; r<row; r++)
        twoDimArr[r] = malloc(col * sizeof(int));

   return twoDimArr;
   /* and reclaim memory from the heap here, right? */
Your help would highly respected and appreciated.
