respected sir,

i would be greatful if anyone could help me with my non recursive
binary tree problem.actually i had already got some help from u.thanks for that.

the problem is when u give data in either order it gets printed
meaning acending or descending ie either on left side or right side
but if u give in between values the value does not get printed.
like for example

here 13 is inbetween it does not get printed.
13 does not get printed, the remaining elements
get printed.

can anyone tell me what's wrong with the code,
one problem i found is
in if (temp->right) and the else at times
both get satisfied is that the problem.
is that the problem ...??? i am attaching my code

i would be greatful if anyone could point out the problem.




struct btree
	int data;
	struct btree *right;
	struct btree *left;

int main(void)
	char ch, done;
	struct btree *temp,*start,*p;
	struct btree *disp;
	start = temp = p = NULL;

	do {
		p=(struct btree *)malloc(sizeof(struct btree));/* new node */
		done = 0;

		printf("ENTER THE NODE VALUE  ");
		p->left = NULL;
		p->right = NULL;

		if (start == NULL) {	/* for the very first time */
			start = p;
			printf("ROOT NODE IS  %d",start->data);
	    } else {
			temp = start;
			while(!done) {   /* traversing till the end of left and right pointers */
				if ((p->data) < ((temp->data))) {
						temp = temp->left;
					else {
						temp->left = p;
						done = 1;
				} else if ((p->data) >= ((temp->data))) {
						temp = temp->right;
					else {
						temp->right = p;
						done = 1;
				} else {

		printf("The elements of the tree \n");
		for(disp=start->left;disp != NULL;disp=disp->left) {
			printf("%d\n",disp->data); /* printing elements */
		printf("%d\n", start->data);
		for(disp=start->right;disp != NULL;disp=disp->right) {
			printf("%d\n",disp->data); /* printing elements */

		printf("type y if  u want to continue ");
	} while(ch=='y');