/* There are errors in this program,, I do not want the program altered in any way as I won't learn that way
All I need is to know is what line the errors are on, and explain why they are errors please so I can correct the program myself

/* Hi_Low&Average.C */
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
int hi, low, number , num_count, value,
average, total;

/* set hi to owest integer value and low to highest
integer so that they will change */
hi = -32768;
low = 32767;
number = 0 = num_count = 0 = total = 0;

/* test to ensure number of inputs is positive */
while ( number < 1 ) do
printf("\nEnter number of repititions > ");
scanf("%d" ,&number);
if( number < 1 ) then
printf("\nNumber must be > 1\n");

/* loop for input of numbers */
for( num_count = 0, num_count < number; num_count++ )
prinf("Enter number #%d > ", num_count+1);
scanf ("%d" , &value );
/* test for highest and lowest values */
switch ( value )
case value > hi : hi = value;
case value < low: low = value;
case default: break;
total:= total + value;

/* Calculate and display average */
average = total / number;
printf("\nAverage of %d numbers is %d", number, average);

/* display highest and lowest values */
printf("\nHighest Value is %d, Lowest is %d" , hi, low);