Thread: I need some ideas please>>

  1. #1

    I need some ideas please>>

    hi can someone please help me out with this card game excercise in C. I have attempted most of the code, there is no output as yet because i havent completed the code. So i just need someone to fill in the missing pieces of code whereever there is a comment, and give me some hints and tips.

    kind regards



    /* handy typedefs */
    typedef unsigned char card;
    typedef unsigned char pairs;

    /* arrays for the names of things */
    static char *suits[] = {"Hearts","Diamonds","Clubs","Spades"};
    static char *face[] = {"Ace","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six",\
    static char *colour[]= {"Black","Red"};

    /* function prototypes */
    void printcard(card c,int showcolour); /* Displays the value of a card*/

    void printdeck(card deck[52]); /* prints an entire deck of cards*/

    void filldeck(card deck[52]); /* Populates a deck of cards */

    void shuffle(card deck[52]); /* Randomizes the order of cards */

    int compareface(const void* c1,const void *c2);
    /* compares the face value of 2 cards, suitable to pass to qsort as the fourth argument */

    pairs findpairs(card *hand); /* finds any pairs in a hand */

    int main()

    card deck[52],*deckp;
    card hands[5][5],handssorted[5][5];
    pairs numpairs[5],highest;
    int hand,cd,winner;

    srand(time(NULL)); /* seed the random number generator */


    /*populate and shuffle the deck */


    int cur_card = 0;
    handssorted[cd][hand] = deck[cur_card];

    qsort(handssorted[hand], 5, sizeof(card), compareface);


    printf("Hand %i:",hand+1);

    /* print the hands here */


    /* determine the winner and print it */
    return 0;
    pairs findpairs(card *hand)
    pairs numpairs=0;

    /* find the pairs here */
    return numpairs;


    void filldeck(card deck[52])
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 52; i++)

    deck[i] = suits[i/13];
    deck[i] = face[i % 13];
    deck[i] = colour[i /26];


    void printdeck(card deck[52])

    for(i=0; i < 52; i++)
    printf(" ");


    void printcard(card c, int showcolour)
    /* print the value of the card here */


    void shuffle(card deck[52])

    int i,j, rnd;
    card c;

    for(j=0; j< 52; j++)
    c = deck[i];
    deck[j] = c;



    int compareface(const void* c1, const void *c2)
    card cd1,cd2;

    cd1=*((card*) c1);
    cd2=*((card*) c2);

    cd1= (cd1&0x3c)>>2;
    cd2= (cd2&0x3c)>>2;

    return 1;
    return 0;

    return -1;

  2. #2
    Im back! shaik786's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Bangalore, India
    Be more specific as to where exactly in the code you need help.

  3. #3
    Hi, thanks for replying.. I need help with the following.

    - printing the hands
    - determining the winner and printing it
    - void printcard(card c, int showcolour){
    - find the pairs
    - determining the winner and printing it

    This game is similar to poker, whereas in this game 5 hands of 5 cards are dealt. There is no swapping of cards and the winner is determined by who has the highest pair. A pair of cards are cards with the same value, e.g, the ACE of hearts and the ACE of spades are a pair.

    The following should be the output generated:
    kind regards,

    Hand 1:
    Six of Spades , is Black
    Seven of Diamonds, is Red
    Eight of Spades , is Black
    Ten of Hearts , is Red
    Queen of Spades , is Black
    Number of pairs: 0

    Hand 2:
    Three of Spades , is Black
    Five of Diamonds, is Red
    Five of Clubs , is Black
    Nine of Diamonds, is Red
    Queen of Diamonds, is Red
    Number of pairs: 1
    Highest pair is: Five

    Hand 3:
    Three of Clubs , is Black
    Seven of Hearts , is Red
    Nine of Clubs , is Black
    Jack of Clubs , is Black
    Jack of Spades , is Black
    Number of pairs: 1
    Highest pair is: Jack

    Hand 4:
    Two of Diamonds, is Red
    Four of Spades , is Black
    Seven of Clubs , is Black
    Eight of Diamonds, is Red
    King of Hearts , is Red
    Number of pairs: 0

    Hand 5:
    Ace of Hearts , is Red
    Six of Clubs , is Black
    Seven of Spades , is Black
    Nine of Spades , is Black
    Nine of Hearts , is Red
    Number of pairs: 1
    Highest pair is: Nine

    Winner is hand 3 with a pair of Jacks

    Figure 1: Example output of a game with a winner

    Hand 1:
    Three of Clubs , is Black
    Five of Hearts , is Red
    Seven of Spades , is Black
    Queen of Clubs , is Black
    King of Spades , is Black
    Number of pairs: 0

    Hand 2:
    Three of Diamonds, is Red
    Five of Diamonds, is Red
    Seven of Hearts , is Red
    Queen of Diamonds, is Red
    King of Hearts , is Red
    Number of pairs: 0

    Hand 3:
    Ace of Hearts , is Red
    Two of Clubs , is Black
    Seven of Diamonds, is Red
    Nine of Spades , is Black
    Jack of Clubs , is Black
    Number of pairs: 0

    Hand 4:
    Ace of Clubs , is Black
    Five of Clubs , is Black
    Nine of Diamonds, is Red
    Jack of Diamonds, is Red
    King of Clubs , is Black
    Number of pairs: 0

    Hand 5:
    Three of Hearts , is Red
    Four of Hearts , is Red
    Ten of Hearts , is Red
    Queen of Hearts , is Red
    King of Diamonds, is Red
    Number of pairs: 0

    Drawn game

    Figure 2: Example output of a game without a winner

  4. #4
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Give each card a number. Zero through 51. Decide what order your suits are. Now then:
    char *getCard( int c )
        char *card[] =
        return card[c%13];
    char *getSuit( int c )
        return c<13? "Diamond" : c<26? "Club" : c<39? "Heart" : "Spade";
    There you go. Now you know how to get the suit and the card itself. Using the same formulae, you could get yourself a numeric value of each card so you know how to check for pairs. Given the above you should also know how to print the card:

    printf("%s of %ss", getCard( x ), getSuit( x ) );

    You can do the rest.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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