I was just playing with Variable Arguments in C.
I wrote a function that keeps adding the numbers
(till you get a zero in the argument of the function)

Here's something I couldn't figure out:

The following code works :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

void add(char *say, ...)
	int answer = 0;
	int temparg = 0;

	va_list argumentlist;
	va_start(argumentlist, say);

	while ((temparg = va_arg(argumentlist, int)) != 0)
		answer = answer + temparg;
		printf("temparg is %d\n", temparg);

	printf("%s %d\n", say, answer);


	add("Addition result: ", 1, 0);
	add("Addition result: ", 1, 2, 0);
	add("Addition result: ", 1, 2, 3, 0);
but this one doesn't :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

void add(char *say, ...)
	int answer = 0;
	int temparg = 0;

	va_list argumentlist;
	va_start(argumentlist, say);

	while (va_arg(argumentlist, int) != 0)
		temparg = va_arg(argumentlist, int);
		answer = answer + temparg;
		printf("temparg is %d\n", temparg);

	printf("%s %d\n", say, answer);


	add("Addition result: ", 1, 0);
	add("Addition result: ", 1, 2, 0);
	add("Addition result: ", 1, 2, 3, 0);
The only difference is in the while loop condition..
what could the reason be ?

Also, although I read the same paragraph several times,
I still didn't understand the real purpose of

if I say, va_list mahurshi
does it mean that "mahurshi" is like an array ?
why do we need to va_end ?

Thanks for your time and patience in reading this!

If anyone is too proud to answer my questions politely,
I encourage him/her not to answer. No offence. Thanks.