Hi, I'm new to these forums.

Unfortunately my C skills are currently very limited, I've just started learning. I've checked through the FAQs, guidelines etc. and haven't found any (useful) information regarding this issue.

Quite simply, I would like, preferably in a DOS window (Windows API confuses me) to set a pixel to a given colour. At the moment I'm not too worried if it will work on every machine in the world or just my one PC - as long as I can see something.

If I can set a pixel, I'm happy. I can make my own functions to draw shapes, boxes, outlines, etc.

This seems a remarkably complicated issue compared to Setpixel(x,y,hex) in other languages (Java/Javascript I tihnk). I've searched the forum and only found people talking about libraries and other things I did not really understand...

Basically, if someone could just point me in the right direction with maybe an include/function/anything to plot a pixel on the screen.

I did try using SetPixel() which came with some Windows library, but it seemed to require four parameters, and I couldn't figure out what the fourth one was meant to be.

I found an example that draws random coloured lines over the screen but... it crashed my compiler (Bloodshed Dev C++ 5 beta).

Umm, probably too long a message for such an issue but any ideas on the simplest, clearest, easiest way for a newbie to start drawing things on the screen?

Thanks for any responses...