Thread: little problem

  1. #16
    Registered User C_Coder's Avatar
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    Oct 2001
    >> /* here this -> scanf( "%d%*c", &num ); ?! */
    No, that scanf is a replacement for yours so your code would look like
    do {
            int i;
            printf( "Please choose > " );
            scanf( "%i%*c", &i );  
    } while ( i != 0 );
    It is not as safe as the first option, because if you enter 1d it will have the same problem as before. As it only reads 1 character the d is read and the newline is left in the buffer
    Last edited by C_Coder; 07-08-2002 at 12:36 PM.
    All spelling mistakes, syntatical errors and stupid comments are intentional.

  2. #17
    Registered User dune911's Avatar
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    ok, i just replaced
    while( getchar() != '\n' );
    scanf( "%i%*c", &i );
    and it works fine, too...

    but my next problem is inside the new_char(); function again :
        char ch_name[21];
        printf("Please enter the characters name:\n");
        fgets(ch_name, sizeof(ch_name), stdin);
        printf("Ok, %s, choose a profession!\n",ch_name);
    after i entered a name, the program displays :
    Ok, Name
    , choose a profession!
    so i think it reads the "ENTER", too? right?
    or is this problem caused by something different?

  3. #18
    Registered User bubux's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    I think...

    Maybe this would work if you. But be carefull... If the name is 0 in lenght (''), it may generate an error... Ill explain it in 1 minute.. brb i gtg. But here it is:

    void new_char()
    char ch_name[21];

    printf("Create character\n\n");

    printf("Please enter the characters name\n>");

    len = strlen(ch_name);
    if (ch_name[len-1] == '\n') ch_name[len-1] = '\0';

    printf("Ok, %s, what is your profession?",ch_name);
    Last edited by bubux; 07-08-2002 at 05:59 PM.
    While Bubux.State = "alive"
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  4. #19
    Registered User dune911's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    thanks bubux, i will try it...
    i think i include a check if ch_name is > ""
    and after this check i include your code...

  5. #20
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    >void new_char()
    An empty parameter list means that any number of arguments may be passed, no checking is done. If you don't want to pass anything, specify void:

    void new_char ( void )

    >char ch_name[21];
    I'm sure The Magical Mister Mistoffelees will be sorry to hear that you limited your buffer to 21 characters.

    Unless your buffer is infinitely long (which it isn't, for those who haven't been paying attention), this will break eventually. Use fgets instead.

    >if (ch_name[len-1] == '\n') ch_name[len-1] = '\0';
    There's no need to do this since gets will replace the newline with a nul anyway. With fgets this code is useful, but I prefer the shorthand way of doing it:

    ch_name[strcspn ( ch_name, "\n" )] = '\0';

    This way the newline will be replaced with a nul, and if there is no newline strcspn will return the index of the trailing nul, so no harm will be done.

    My best code is written with the delete key.

  6. #21
    Registered User dune911's Avatar
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    thank you, prelude! the following code :
    ch_name[strcspn ( ch_name, "\n" )] = '\0';
    just did it!

    the buffer size :
    what do you think is an acceptable buffer size?
    in my c book they tell you to hold your buffers small
    what do you think about an buffer of size 100 (as long
    it isn't an array with [100][100][100]... that's big, huh?

    thanks @ everyone again for helping me with this "little problem"

  7. #22
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    >what do you think is an acceptable buffer size?
    Just big enough for the data. If I have to define a static buffer then I'll use the BUFSIZ macro in stdio.h. Otherwise it's best to maintain a dynamic buffer which can increase its size if the data gets too big. For student code a buffer of 100 is fine, input will rarely go beyond that. For any real applications you need to be far more careful.

    My best code is written with the delete key.

  8. #23
    Registered User
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    A long known problem. It is a residual key left in the keyboard buffer. To deal with this I have always used "gets" followed by a
    "sscanf". One of the nice side benefits of a "sscanf" is it clears the residual key in the keyboard buffer. Here is some code that should work.
    Note that an integer is taken in as a float and then converted to a
    float. This is done incase the user types something like 5.5g. The
    "sscanf" will truncate at the last legal number entered. If the user
    types g5.5 the "sscanf" will ignore it.

    #include <stdio.h>

    void main(void)
    int x,n;
    float f;
    char input[25], string[25];

    // clear any residual key in the keyboard buffer
    sscanf(input, "%s", input);

    // get an integer
    printf("\n enter an integer <> ");
    sscanf(input, "%f", &f);
    printf(" %d\n",x);

    // get a float
    printf("\n enter a float <> ");
    sscanf(input, "%f", &f);
    printf(" %2.2f\n",f);

    // get a string
    printf("\n enter a character string <> ");
    sscanf(input, "%s", string);
    printf(" %s\n",string);

    // you can take input all at once if each field is separated by a space
    string[0]='\0'; // clear the string array for the new entry
    x=n=f=0; // clear the variables
    printf("\n enter an integer <space> a float <space> and a string <>");
    sscanf(input, "%d%f%s", &x,&f,string);
    printf(" %d %2.2f %s\n",x,f,string);

    // you can even count the number of inputs
    string[0]='\0'; // clear the string array for the new entry
    x=n=f=0; // clear the variables
    printf("\n enter an integer <space> a float <space> and a string <>");
    n = sscanf(input, "%d%f%s", &x,&f,string);
    printf(" number of inputs = %d\n",n);

    // this "gets" is just to keep the user screen visable

  9. #24
    Registered User dune911's Avatar
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    thanks i'll have a look at this...

  10. #25
    End Of Line Hammer's Avatar
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    Jerry.. a few comments on your code....

    >Please use code tags when posting code (see my sig).

    >void main
    main should return an int.

    >sscanf(input, "%s", input);
    at the time you use input, it's uninitialised, therefore the results of this operation will be undefined. It also doesn't clear the keyboard buffer (I presume you mean stdin?) as your comments suggest.

    It's been discussed many time, gets() is bad... it allows buffer overflows.

    Welcome to the board, btw.
    When all else fails, read the instructions.
    If you're posting code, use code tags: [code] /* insert code here */ [/code]

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