my program below currently sorts the records in the array in ascending order prior to searching, I am having trouble changing it so that the it sorts the array into descending order. if you have help it would be appreciated.

/* The PHONE program reads NUMB_RECS records from
the file students.dat into the two-dimensional
array students. The records occur one to a line,
with a maximum length of MAX_REC_SIZE and fields
formatted as follows:

25 chars 25 chars 12 chars
<last name> <first name> <phone number>

Column 1 Column 26 Column 51

One record occurs per line.

PHONE sorts the records—as character strings—in ascending
order and then does lookups. It prompts for a last name,
padding it if necessary with blanks to LNAME_SIZE, and then
searches the array. If the name is found, the entire record
is written to the terminal in their file column positions. If the
name is not found, a message is written.

PHONE uses selection sort for the sorting and binary search
for the searching. The program consists of the functions:
Main, selection_sort, binary_search, and swap. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NUMB_RECS 30 /* number of records in students.dat */
#define LNAME_SIZE 25 /* first 25 chars */
#define FNAME_SIZE 25 /* next 25 chars */
#define PNUM_SIZE 12 /* last 12 chars */
#define NO_FIND (-999) /* flag to signal lookup failure */
#define BLANK ‘ ‘ /* used to pad candidate name so
it, to has LNAME_SIZE chars */
void selection_sort ( char array [ ] [ MAX_REC_SIZE + 2], int size1 );
void swap (char array [ ] [ MAX_REC_SIZE + 2 ], int current, int low );

int binary_search(char candidate [ ],
char array [ ][ MAX_REC_SIZE + 2],
int sixe );
main ()
/* student records (+2 is for the newline and the
null terminator) */
char students [ NUMB_RECS ] [ MAX_REC_SIZE + 2];

/* candidate in search (+2 is for the newline and the
null terminator) */
char candidate [ LNAME_SIZE + 2];

int cand_len; /* length of candidate’s name */
int index; /* index into students */
int i;

FILE* fp;

/* read the names of NUMB_RECS records into array students */
fp = open(”students.dat”, “r”);

FOR (i = 0; i < NUMB_RECS; ++1)
fgets( students [i], MAX_REC_SIZE + 2, fp);

/* sort the records into ascending order, by name */
selection_sort( students, NUMB_RECS);

/* Prompt the user for a student’s name and look for it in the
array students. Halt when the user signals EOF at the
prompt. */

printf( “\n\n Enter a student’s name,”
“or signal EOF to halt: “);
while ( fgets(candidate, LNAME_SIZE + 2, stdin) !=NULL) {

/* Pad candidate with blanks to LNAME_SIZE chars. */
cand_len = strlen( candidate ) – 1; /* -1 for newline stored by fgets */

for ( i = cand_len; i < LNAME_SIZE; i++ )
candidate [ i ] = BLANK;
candidate [ LNAME_SIZE ] = ‘\0’; /*null terminate */

index = binary_search ( candidate, students, NUMB_RECS );
if ( index ! = NO_FIND)
printf( “\nRecord: %s”, students [ index] );
else {
candidate [ cand_len ] = ‘\0’; /* knock off blanks */
printf ( “\n\t%s is not in our directory.”,

/* selection_sort ( array, size1)

The function expects an array and its size. It sorts the
elements into ascending order. it does not return a value.

The algorithm can be sketched as follows:
1. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for ind equals 0, 1,..., size1 –2.
2. Select the smallest item among
array [ind], array [ind + 1],..., array[ size1 – 1 ].
3. Swap the smallest with array[ ind].

void selection_sort (char array [ ] [ MAX_REC_SIZE + 2 ], int size1 )
int smallest_index; /* index of smallest string seen */
int i, j;

/* loop size1; /* index of smallest string seen */
for ( i = 0; i < size1 – 1; ++i ) {
/* assume ith string is smallest */
smallest_index = i;
/* compare smallest against remaining strings */
for ( j = i + 1; j < size1; ++j )
/* look for smaller string */
if (strcmp ( array [ j ], array[ smallest_index] ) < 0 )
smallest_index = j;
/* put smallest at index i */
if ( i != smallest_index )
swap( array, i, smallest_index );

/* Swap array [current ] and array [ low ]. */

void swap9 char array [ ] [ MAX_REC_SIZE + 2]. int current, int low)
char temp[ MAX_REC_SIZE + 2];

strcpy ( temp, array [current ] );
strcpy (array [current ], array[low] );
strcpy (array [ low], temp );
/* binary_search ( candidate, array, size )
the function searches the sorted array
array [0], array [ 1 ],..., array [ size – 1 ]