when i merge the files they are left unsorted.... i am wondering how to sort my output file. thanx ... here is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

#define READ_MODE  "rb"
#define WRITE_MODE "wb"

int main (void)
	FILE *fpM1;
	FILE *fpM2;
	FILE *fpOut;

	int recM1;
	int recM2;

	char file1ID[]   = "P13Mrg1.bin";
	char file2ID[]   = "P13Mrg2.bin";
	char fileOutID[] = "P13Mrg3.bin";
	int sentinel     = INT_MAX;
	int mergeCnt     = 0;

	printf("Begin File Merge:\n");
	if (!(fpM1 = fopen (file1ID, READ_MODE)))
		printf("\aError on %s\n", file1ID) ;

	if (!(fpM2 = fopen (file2ID, READ_MODE)))
		printf("\aError on %s\n", file2ID);

	if (!(fpOut = fopen (fileOutID, WRITE_MODE)))
		printf("\aError on %s\n", fileOutID);

	fread (&recM1, sizeof(int),1,fpM1);
	if (feof(fpM1))
		recM1 = sentinel;
	fread (&recM2, sizeof(int), 1, fpM2);
	if (feof(fpM2))
		recM2 = sentinel;

	while (!feof(fpM1) || !feof(fpM2))
		if (recM1 <= recM2)
			fwrite (&recM1, sizeof(int), 1, fpOut);
			fread (&recM1,sizeof(int), 1, fpM1);
			if (feof(fpM1))
				recM1 = sentinel;
			fwrite (&recM2, sizeof(int), 1, fpOut);
			fread (&recM2,sizeof(int), 1, fpM2);
			if (feof(fpM2))
				recM2 = sentinel;
	fclose (fpM1);
	fclose (fpM2);
	fclose (fpOut);
	printf("End File Merge. %d items merged.\n", mergeCnt);
	return 0;