The program I am writting is attached. The problem I am having is inside my delete func() and also my print func().

In the delete func() the user enters a code to delete. This code is saved in separate structures inside 'client.dat'. After the code is entered, the 'client.dat' file should be read until it finds the matching code. When it does an outside func() called tempfile() is called to delete. In this function, what I am trying to do, is create a file named 'temp.dat' and read all the contents of 'client.dat' (with the exception of the selected record) into that file. Then I want to re-write the contents of 'temp.dat' back into 'client.dat', thus deleting the client record.

In the print func() I have no real idea what the hell I'm doing???

Can someone help this hopeless idiot out of a jam?

P.S. Explainations for the delete func() are not really what I need. I've already had people trying to talk me through but no go. Samples I could adapt or if I'm only missing something minor if you could let me know what the code should be and where the hell to put it, I would be eternally grateful.