
Does existence of "goto" in a code enough to brand it as bad code???

Consider this piece of code:

short some_function( short arg1 )
short return_code = 0;
short ret_code = 0;

ret_code = function_a( arg1 );
if ( ret_code != 0 )
// failed...
return_code = ret_code;
goto fexit;

ret_code = function_b();
if ( ret_code != 0 )
// failed...
return_code = ret_code;
goto fexit;



if ( return_code != 0 )
// release all hogged resources, do necessary cleanup...

return ( return_code );

} // end of some_function()

Would you consider the above code bad?

The indentation would probably go haywire, but consider it properly indented :-)

- Ruchikar.