On the processor I am programming on, there can be 64-bit, 31-bit and 24-bit pointers.

I'm trying to extract a 24-bit pointer out of a 4-byte word. The first 8 bits in the 4-byte word can be flags that are set. The last 3 bytes will be a pointer, addressable for up to 16mb.

For example, the 4-byte value might be 0x7F000010 which would point to location 0x00000010 in storage.

I've accomplished my goal of extracting it via this code sequence:

#include <stdio.h>                                
int main(void) {                                  
   void * my_32_ptr = (void *) 0x7F000010 ;
   void * my_24_ptr  ;                     
   struct {                                       
      int       : 8 ;                             
      int int24 : 24 ;                            
   } addr24 ;                                     
   #define int24 addr24.int24                     
   int24 = (int) my_32_ptr ;                      <--- line 11 
   my_24_ptr = (void *) int24 ;            
   printf("my_24_ptr = %08X\n", my_24_ptr) ;      
   return 0 ;                                      
It works, however, I get an informational message for line 11 as follows:

INFORMATIONAL CCN3451 MISC.C(PTR24):11 The target integral type cannot hold all possible values of the source integral type.

At runtime, the first byte gets lopped off as desired.

What's a better method to extract the last 3 bytes of my_32_ptr to avoid the compiler's informational message?

My processor is little endian, so no concerns about the ordering of values in the 4-byte word.
