Hello, I am currently reading book and in the following code it is supposed to output the text: "Hi, Bub"

im sure ive made a mistake but when I try to run the program*(Edit) I get segmenation fault error and no other error.

#include <stdio.h>

void printAGreeting( char* greeting ) {
printf( "%s" , greeting );

void printAComma( void ) {
printf( ", ");

void printAnAddressee( char* aName ) {
printf( "%s" );

void printANewLine() {
printf( "\n" );

void printGreeting( char* aGreeting , char* aName ) {
printAGreeting( aGreeting );
printAnAddressee( aName );

int main() {
printGreeting( "Hi" , "Bub" );
return 0;