Hello Experts,
I came up with this state machine for one of my embedded projects, looking at a few reference programs online. And was wondering if someone could verify it for me, I am not able to simulated the timers are parallel operations on windows.

Basically I have 3 cpu timers which overflow at 50,100 and 150 microseconds respectively. And each timer is associated with a 'branch' and each branch is further has 3 states. And these states should run at regular intervals.
Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

// USER Variables
unsigned int taskA1_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskA2_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskA3_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskB1_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskB2_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskB3_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskC1_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskC2_counter = 0;
unsigned int taskC3_counter = 0;

// Alpha states
void A0(void);  //state A0
void B0(void);  //state B0
void C0(void);  //state C0

// A branch states
void A1(void);  //state A1
void A2(void);  //state A2
void A3(void);  //state A3

// B branch states
void B1(void);  //state B1
void B2(void);  //state B2
void B3(void);  //state B3

// C branch states
void C1(void);  //state C1
void C2(void);  //state C2
void C3(void);  //state C3

// Variable declarations
void (*Alpha_State_Ptr)(void);  // Base States pointer
void (*A_Task_Ptr)(void);       // State pointer A branch
void (*B_Task_Ptr)(void);       // State pointer B branch
void (*C_Task_Ptr)(void);       // State pointer C branch

int main()
    // Tasks State-machine init
    Alpha_State_Ptr = &A0;
    A_Task_Ptr = &A1;
    B_Task_Ptr = &B1;
    C_Task_Ptr = &C1;

    for (;;)
        // State machine entry & exit point
        (*Alpha_State_Ptr)();   // jump to an Alpha state (A0,B0,...)
    return 0;

void A0(void)
    // loop rate synchronizer for A-tasks
    if (CPUTimer_getTimerOverflowStatus(CPUTIMER0_BASE))        //overflowes every 50 usec
        TestA = 0;
        CPUTimer_clearOverflowFlag(CPUTIMER0_BASE);  // clear flag

        (*A_Task_Ptr)();        // jump to an A Task (A1,A2,A3,...)

    Alpha_State_Ptr = &B0;      // Comment out to allow only A tasks

void B0(void)
    // loop rate synchronizer for B-tasks
    if (CPUTimer_getTimerOverflowStatus(CPUTIMER1_BASE))        //overflowes every 100 usec
        CPUTimer_clearOverflowFlag(CPUTIMER1_BASE);  // clear flag
    TestB = 0;
        (*B_Task_Ptr)();        // jump to a B Task (B1,B2,B3,...)

    Alpha_State_Ptr = &C0;      // Allow C state tasks

void C0(void)
    // loop rate synchronizer for C-tasks
    if (CPUTimer_getTimerOverflowStatus(CPUTIMER2_BASE))        //overflowes every 150 usec
        TestC = 0;
        CPUTimer_clearOverflowFlag(CPUTIMER2_BASE);  // clear flag

        (*C_Task_Ptr)();        // jump to a C Task (C1,C2,C3,...)

    Alpha_State_Ptr = &A0;  // Back to State A0

void A1(void)
    //A1 task
    printf("A1 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A2
    A_Task_Ptr = &A2;
void A2(void)
    //A2 task
    printf("A2 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A3
    A_Task_Ptr = &A3;
void A3(void)
    //A3 task
    printf("A3 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A1
    A_Task_Ptr = &A1;

void B1(void)
    //B1 task
    printf("B1 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B2
    B_Task_Ptr = &B2;
void B2(void)
    //A2 task
    printf("B2 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B3
    B_Task_Ptr = &B3;
void B3(void)
    //B3 task
    printf("B3 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B1
    B_Task_Ptr = &B1;
void C1(void)
    //C1 task
    printf("C1 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer2 'counter' reaches Period value go to C2
    C_Task_Ptr = &C2;
void C2(void)
    //C2 task
    printf("C2 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer2 'counter' reaches Period value go to C3
    C_Task_Ptr = &C3;
void C3(void)
    //C3 task
    printf("C3 \n");
    //the next time CpuTimer2 'counter' reaches Period value go to C3
    C_Task_Ptr = &C3;
This is the end result that I need: