Hello there.
I am a beginner (very beginner) into C programming.
I am trying to take numbers from a .txt and put them into an array to organize them with Shellsort. I also have the problem that there are more than one vector in my .txt, and the first number represents its size, for example:
6 44 56 25 51 11 13 (6 is not a part of it, it only means it has 6 numbers)
4 23 51 6 31 (4 is not a part of it)
But I am having problems trying to fullfill my arrays. Here is what I have (without the Shellsort function, its working nice):

int main() {
    FILE    *textfile;
    char    ch;
    int j, i;
    textfile = fopen("readme.txt", "r");
    if(textfile == NULL)
        return 1;
    fscanf(textfile, "%d", &j);
    int arr[j]; 

    while((ch = fgetc(textfile))!=EOF) {
        for (i = 1; i < j; i++){
            arr[i] = ch;
    return 0;