Hey Guys, I'm working on what for me has been the best chapter so far in this book and it is kicking my butt but, I'm learning a ton. This code finds letters in a string and capitalizes them. It skips what it has to. The updated string is copied into a char array called 'new'.

Can someone please help me understand why I can't print out the first letter or the entire string at the end of this code?

BTW: I have to use the pointer arithmetic.

#include <stdio.h>

void capitalize(char str[], int n);
int n=20;

int main(){
    char ch[]="ljS4e8sjHd67ds";
    int size = sizeof(ch)/sizeof(ch[0]);
    capitalize(ch, size);
    return (0);

void capitalize(char str[], int n){
    printf("%s\n",str);         // prints entire string
    char new[n];
    char *p;
    printf("p=%s\n",p);         // prints entire string
    for(p=str; p<str+n; p++){
        if(*p>64 && *p<91){
        }else if(*p>96 && *p<123){
        printf("%c\n", *new); // *q and *new both work
    printf("%c", new[0]);   // not working: I expected L
    printf("%s", new);      // not working: I expected LJS4E8SJHD67DS
Thank you.