heres code I have done so far, I am mostly confused on how to sort the array from the file and store the array.

   1. In the main ( ), open the cars.dat file in the read mode and confirm
        you have properly opened the file.
   2. In the main ( ), read the entire contents of the cars.dat file into the
       inventory array.
   3. In the main ( ), close the cars.dat file
   4. Call function_1( ), which will process the contents of the
        inventory array by sorting the inventory array to place all the cars
        in ascending order according to their price.
   5. Call function_2( ), which will save (write) the sorted inventory
        array to a file named output.dat
   6. Terminate

  ALGORITHM FOR function_1( ):


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef  struct  cars {
                                          char  make [ 20 ] ;
                                          char  model [ 20 ] ;
                                          char  color  [ 15 ] ;
                                          int  year ;
                                          double price ;
                                      }  cars ;

//Provide the prototype for your PCFs below:
void function_1(cars inventory[], int size);
int main (void)
    //Local variables declared... add additional variables as required
    cars  inventory [ 25 ] ;
    int size = 0;
    FILE *input;
    const char *inputfile = "cars.dat";
     //1. Open the cars.dat file in the read mode and confirm
    //     you have properly opened the file.
        input = fopen(inputfile, "r");

     //2. Read the entire contents of the cars.dat file into the
     //    inventory array.
        while ((fscanf(input, "%s%s%s%d%lf",
                   &inventory[size].make, &inventory[size].model,
                   &inventory[size].color, &inventory[size].year,
                  ) && (size < 25) ) size++;

     //3. Close the cars.dat file

     //4. Call function_1( ), which will process the contents of the
     //    inventory array by sorting the inventory array to place all the cars
     //     in ascending order according to their price.
        function_1(inventory, size);
    //5. Call function_2( ), which will save (write) the sorted inventory
    //    array to a file named output.dat

    //6. Terminate
    return 0 ;