Thread: GUI programming in C

  1. #1
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    GUI programming in C


    I have learned the basics of C, and now I want to code GUI's in C. I want to do it for both Windows and Linux.

    Can someone tell me how it can be done?



  2. #2
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    As you may have already observed, the C standard doesn't provide any functionality to handle graphical interfaces. This needs all platform-specific code which is not even comparable with each other. I strongly recommend you to use a 3rd party GUI library that already wrapped all those platform code into a unified API.

  3. #3
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    Which 3rd party GUI libraries can you recommend?

  4. #4
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    I don't do GUI programming. In the only little GUI programs I ever wrote I used pure Win32 API which is for masochists
    Others here might be more experienced though.
    In the meanwhile have a look at List of widget toolkits - Wikipedia
    You may find that not too many C libs exist. It's semantically more logical treating GUI components as objects where object-oriented languages suit better.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for pointing me in this direction.

    If someone has more info please let me know.

  6. #6
    Registered User rstanley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daYz View Post

    Which 3rd party GUI libraries can you recommend?
    I don't do GUI programming myself either, but I would look at GTK and QT, the most common for GUI programming in Linux.

    I can't comment on Windows GUI programming other than I try very hard to stay away from Mickey$oft as much as possible! ;^)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rstanley View Post
    I don't do GUI programming myself either, but I would look at GTK and QT, the most common for GUI programming in Linux.

    I can't comment on Windows GUI programming other than I try very hard to stay away from Mickey$oft as much as possible! ;^)
    GTK and QT both work on Windows, Linux and MacOS. GTK also works on UNIX. QT does not, if I am right. QT also does run on Android and embedded systems.

    If anyone has more information, please let me know. I am curious about the most common libraries for Windows.

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