Hello, I have written a small C programm where I can read data in from a .csv file. This works fine.

But now I want to create a function to read the data in. So I want modify my programm.

I have tried to put the fopen() in a function and to return this value. But this not works.

Here is my original program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(void)

    FILE *fp;

    fp = fopen("data.csv","r");

    if (fp == NULL)
        printf("Can not open file");

    char line[100];
    char *sp;
    double acceleration;
    double rotation;
    double temperature;
    double totalTemperature;
    int count = 0;

    double direction=0;

    while(fgets(line, 100, fp )!= NULL)
        sp = strtok(line, ",");
        acceleration = atof(sp);

        sp = strtok(NULL, ",");
        rotation = atof(sp);

        sp = strtok(NULL, ",");
        temperature = atof(sp);

        totalTemperature += temperature;


    printf("The mean Temperature is: %.14f\n", totalTemperature/count);


    return 0;


As I said I want to create a function named read_data(), i want to modify my orignal program. This function should read the data from the .csv file, but I did not know what the return should be look like.

I have tried something like that, but it did not worked:

char * read_data(char* filename)

    FILE *fp;

    fp = fopen("data.csv","r");

    if (fp == NULL)
        printf("Can not open file");


    return fp;

Thanks for a help.