Hello all...
I am getting a warning from my compiler and would like to know how to resolve it??

I have an h file with the following code:
typedef struct mainScreen_t{
    uint8_t line;
    uint8_t position;
    char value[16];

const mainScreen_t Screen1 = {0, 10, {"GPS"}};
const mainScreen_t Screen2 = {1, 10, {"A/D"}};
In my c file I have:
mainScreen_t *lvl_1[LCD_MAIN_MENUS] = {&Screen1, &Screen2};
LCD_MAIN_MENUS is a #define .

The warning which I receive:
#145-D a value of type "const mainScreen_t *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "mainScreen_t *"

Implementing the following line of code does not yield any warning:

mainScreen_t lvl_1[LCD_MAIN_MENUS] = {{0, 10, {"GPS"}}, {1, 10, {"A/D"}}};
Thanks for the help!