Hello! I am looking for help with the below code. This is for a class and I would like help figuring out how to complete the missing code. I don't want someone to finish it for me because I won't learn anything. I missed 2 weeks of class due to a death in the family and family illnesses, so I really need to learn how to write this.

I have to complete two remaining sections of the code below. I'm not sure what to write in the YOUR CODE GOES HERE parts. First part is a lookup function. The second is adding them to an array. I've tried googling, but just end up getting more and more confused.

This is my first coding course, so any and all help is appreciated!

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

typedef unsigned int uint;

struct Student
  // add the definition of the struct
  char name[30];
  uint id;
  char department;
  char course;
  uint admit_year;

/* This function accepts an array of struct Student structs and an integer
cohort_year and returns an array of students with a admit_year that matches.*/
void cohort_finder(struct Student *, uint, uint);

void student_lookup(struct Student *, uint, uint);

void print_student_record(struct Student);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {

  struct Student student_roster[100];

  struct Student s;

  s.name = "Test Student";
  s.department = "Engineering";
  s.course = "N/A";
  s.admit_year = 2009;
  s.id = 0001;

  student_roster[0] = s;

  printf("Performing Cohort Finder for Year: 2009\n");
  cohort_finder(student_roster,1, 2009);

  printf("Performing Student Lookup for id: 0001\n");
  student_lookup(student_roster, 1, 0001);

  return 0;

void student_lookup(struct Student students[], uint n, uint id)
  struct Student matching_student;

    Complete the student ID lookup function such that it prints the matching
    student's record. The printing code already exists.

  printf("Matching Student Is:\n");

void cohort_finder(struct Student students[], uint n, uint cohort_year)

 // create an oversized array on the heap to contain the matching students
  struct Student * cohort_students = (struct Student*)malloc(sizeof(struct Student)*n);

 // j is the counter for the matching students
  uint j = 0;

    Your code should find the matching students in the struct Student array and
    add them to a new array (cohort_students).
  for (j = 0; j < 5; j++){ /*I did this part but got confused about what to put next. 
If I'm not mistaken, this should advance j through the array, correct?
Not sure how to add to the array here*/


  // resize the heap allocation so the size can be determined using sizeof
  cohort_students = (struct Student*)realloc(cohort_students, j*sizeof(struct Student));

  // check if the pointer is null
  if(cohort_students == NULL)
    printf("Something Went Wrong During Allocation of cohort_students\n");

  printf("The Students from %d Are:\n", cohort_year);
  for(uint i=0; i<j; i++)

void print_student_record(struct Student student)
  printf("Student Name: %s\n", student.name);
  printf("Student department: %s\n", student.department);
  printf("Student course: %s\n", student.course);
  printf("Student admit year: %d\n", student.admit_year);
  printf("Student id: %d\n", student.id);