Hi, I try to understand the concept of function pointers and I wrote an example for demonstration but it doesn't work as expected.

The return_error fuction never calls the mul_numbers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

typedef enum
    status_ok = 1,        // Operation terminated succesfully
    status_hw_error,      // Hardware error
    status_busy,          // Procedure in progress
    status_invalid_param, // Invalid parameter
    status_unknown_error  // Unknown error
} status_t;

int add_numbers(int x, int y);
int mul_numbers(int x, int y);

typedef int (*operation_p)(int, int); // Declare a funciton pointer

status_t return_error(operation_p operation, int x, int y); // Function declaration (signature)

int main()
    int a = 5;
    int b = 3;

    status_t error_code;
    operation_p add; // Create a variable of type operation_p
    operation_p mult; // Create a variable of type operation_p

    add = add_numbers;
    printf("Address of add: %d\n", &add);
    error_code = return_error(add, a, b);
    printf("Error: %d\n", error_code);

    mult = mul_numbers;
    printf("Address of mul %d\n", &mult);
    error_code = return_error(mult, a, b);
    printf("Error: %d\n", error_code);

    return 0;

status_t return_error(operation_p operation, int x, int y)
    printf("Address of operation: %d\n", &operation);

    if (operation = &add_numbers)
        printf("Addition callback error code\n");
        if (operation(x, y) > 40)
            return status_ok;
        else if (operation(x, y) < 10)
            return status_hw_error;
            return status_unknown_error;
    else if (operation = &mul_numbers)
        printf("Multiply callback error code \n");

        if (operation(x, y) < 30)

            return status_ok;
            return status_unknown_error;

int add_numbers(int x, int y)
    return x + y;

int mul_numbers(int x, int y)
    return x * y;
This is the printf output. The address of "operation" is always the same and differs from the addresses of "add" and "mul'
