I am a beginner and attempted to make an calculator which uses i else to add or subtract. Whenever i choose add it still subtracts.Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
    int x, y, z, sum, sub;   /* make variables for storing numbers to be added or subtracted and the variables to store the sum and difference */
    char type; /* variable to determine addition or subtraction */ 
    printf("This calculator only knows how to add and subtract, so enter you want to add or subtract by A for add and anything else for subtract.\n ");
    scanf(" %c", &type);
    if (type == "A") /* if the user's input is A then there will be addition */
        printf("Type the first number.\n "); /* inputs first number */ 
        scanf(" %d", &x);
        printf("Type the second one.\n ");
        scanf(" %d", &y);
        printf("Type the last one.\n ");
        scanf(" %d", &z);
        sum = x + y + z; /* determines the value of the sum*/
        printf("The sum is: %d", sum); /* prints the sum*/
    else /*otherwise there will be subtraction*/

        printf("Type the first number.\n ");
        scanf(" %d", &x);
        printf("Type the second one.\n ");
        scanf(" %d", &y);
        printf("Type the last one.\n ");
        scanf(" %d", &z);
        sub = x - y - z;
        printf("The difference is: %d", sub);
return 0;
Even if I type A the calculator would subtract the numbers