Thread: C99 optimization - How does compiler optimize finding pointers in stack?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Talking C99 optimization - How does compiler optimize finding pointers in stack?

    Hello folks, first post.

    I'm fairly new to C so I'm not very familiar with C99 optimization. I thought I could optimize some code by creating an array so that the program wouldn't have to iterate through the stack to find pointers.

    Instead it could utilize the consecutive memory locations of the array. (un)fortunately, this is handled extremely well by the compiler. (every time I think I can outsmart the compiler I feel like I'm dissing the C devs, haha)

    I've included the code I used for testing. I came to the conclusion that either:
    1. The stack isn't iterated but uses a shortcut (very likely);
    2. Stack pointer lookup is blazing fast (wouldn't necessarily account for lower clock but maybe it can do multiple at once?);
    3. Because of the limited test environment, the structs aren't defragmented, so there is no gain from consecutive memory locations of the array.

    Can someone shed a light on what is happening?

    code file (better formatting)
    google drive

    Test results:


    Test 1 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2227
    Test 2 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2354
    Test 3 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2291
    Test 4 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2353
    Test 5 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2291...

    Test 1 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 7970
    Test 2 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 8053
    Test 3 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 7960
    Test 4 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 7940
    Test 5 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 7904


    Test 1 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2780
    Test 2 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2904
    Test 3 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 3000
    Test 4 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 3006
    Test 5 of 100 - Size: 20, Cycles: 2905

    Test 1 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 33837
    Test 2 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 32723
    Test 3 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 33288
    Test 4 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 33116
    Test 5 of 100 - Size: 1000, Cycles: 32804

    As you can see the optimized function calls an array init function. This is a linear array with every other index being x.
    arr[0] = x1; arr[1] = y1; arr[2] = x2; ...

    The original (faster code) just iterates the linked list and gets its x and y.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #define MATRIX_W            10
    #define MATRIX_H            24
    #define ARRAY_SIZE          20
    typedef struct Shape {
        struct Block *tail;
    }   Shape;
    typedef struct Block {
        int x, y;
        struct Block *prev;
    }   Block;
    Block *link (Block *prev, int x, int y)
        Block *new = calloc(1, sizeof(Block));
    new-> x = x;
    new-> y = y;
    new-> prev = prev;
        return new;
    void *init_shape(int *values)
        int i;
    Block *block = NULL;
    Shape *shape = calloc(1, sizeof(Shape));
        for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; i+=2)
            block = link(block, values[i], values[i+1]);
        shape->tail = block;
        return shape;
    //  create int array
    int *init_coord_array(Shape *shape)
        int x, y, i;
        int *coords;
    Block *block;
    coords = calloc(ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(int));
    block = shape->tail;
        while (block != NULL)           // for block in shape
            coords[i++] = block->x;     // add to array
    coords[i++] = block->y;
    block = block->prev;        // next block in shape
        return coords;
    //  populate VLA
    int *init_test_values()
        int i,w,h,*values;
    w = rand() % MATRIX_W;      //  no srand for testing purposes
    h = rand() % MATRIX_H;
    values = calloc(ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(int));
        while (i<ARRAY_SIZE)
            values[i] = w;
    values[i+1] = h;
        return values;
    int original_function(Shape *shape)
        int x,y,match;
    Block *block = shape->tail;
    match = 0;
        for (y=MATRIX_H-1; y>=0; y--)
            for (x = 0; x < MATRIX_W; x++)
                while (block != NULL)
                    if (block->x == x && block->y == y)
                    block = block->prev;
        return match;
    int optimized_function(Shape *shape)
        int i,x,y,match,*coords;
    i = match = 0;
    coords = init_coord_array(shape); // create linear int array
    for (y=MATRIX_H-1; y>=0; y--)
            for (x = 0; x < MATRIX_W; x++)
                while (i < ARRAY_SIZE)
                    if (coords[i] == x && coords[i + 1] == y)
                    i += 2; // goto next two values
        return match;
    int main()
        int *values = init_test_values();   // create not so random values (no srand)
    Shape *shape = init_shape(values);  // populate struct with generated values
        for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
            clock_t start = clock();
            for (int j=0; j<10000000; j++)
                original_function(shape);   // struct iteration, linked list
                //optimized_function(shape);    // utilize int array
            printf("Test %d of 100 - Size: %d, Cycles: %d\n", i+1, ARRAY_SIZE, clock() - start);

    Last edited by WillyCe; 05-08-2022 at 05:24 AM. Reason: moved code file to more visible place

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Dec 2017
    I don't understand what you mean by "iterate through the stack to find pointers", but obviously your "optimized" function will be slower since it's doing more work. The "original" function simply loops through the linked list. The "optimized" function not only loops through the linked list, but dynamically allocates extra space, fills it with the data, and then loops through that, too.
    A little inaccuracy saves tons of explanation. - H.H. Munro

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    And, clock() doesn't measure cpu clock cycles.

  4. #4
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    With iterate through the stack I mean that for every pointer (block->prev) it has to iterate the entire stack. The array also gets iterated but it's 1:1, every value is only used once and is always assigned to consecutive memory locations. So besides the additional work of making the array once, I assume it has less iterations than n times pointer lookups in the stack.

    Crap, I see I init and free the array inside the function....
    Last edited by WillyCe; 05-08-2022 at 09:59 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    I see. I assumed it returned clock cycles since, according to IBM, you divide by CLOCKS_PER_SEC to calculate time in seconds. What is the best alternative for clocks? And, since I'm here, do you know another way of measuring seconds when calling to system()? Apparently that can reset clock().

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    I mean that for every pointer (block->prev) it has to iterate the entire stack.
    No it doesn't. It never has to "iterate the stack" for anything, ever. Why do you think it does that?
    A little inaccuracy saves tons of explanation. - H.H. Munro

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Man, I don't even know. Too caught up in my goose chase to doubt that undisputable fact. I guess I forgot memory =/= array.

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