Can someone help me here as I clearly don't know what I am doing:

1. I would like to know how to create a pointer to the following structure?

2. Then how to advance the pointer to each member of the structure (same offset)?....so for instance the 2nd element Vbias[0][2], SiPM_Current[0][2], LED_Current[0][0][2], LED_Current[0][1][2]....

typedefstruct {  float Vbias[3][4]; //indexing reading 1/2/3 ; 10/50/100/200 mA
  float SiPMCurrent[3][4];  //indexing reading 1/2/3 ; 10/50/100/200 mA
  float LEDCurrent[3][2][4]; //indexing reading 1/2/3 ; LED 1/2 ; 10/50/100/200 mA
  float w_temp[3][4];  //indexing reading 1/2/3 ; 10/50/100/200 mA
  float bd_temp[3][4]; //indexing reading 1/2/3 ; 10/50/100/200 mA

} t_SenseDataRaw;
For #1 above I was trying to do the following but VS doesn't like it:

t_SenseDataRawSensorData= {0};float *pSensorData;
pSensorData = &SensorData.Vbias[0][0];